15. May 2023

Fatma Said film selected for Sunny Side

What good news! Our film “Fatma Said – Reviving a Forgotten Treasure” (Director: Ralf Pleger) is one of 6 films selected to pitch at Sunny Side of the Doc in the Art & Culture category. We are looking forward to many good conversations and encounters in La Rochelle in June!


06. March 2025

‘Beethoven’s Nine – Ode to Humanity’ at ‘Le FIFA 43’

06. December 2024

TV premiere: Jonas Kaufmann – The Sound of Movies

20. December 2024

TV premiere: “Martynas Levickis and the Accordion”

18. October 2024

TV premiere: “Music between the Seas”

Maria Willer

is music journalist and was formerly, before founding the “3B-Produktion GmbH”, editor and presenter at the radio broadcaster “Klassik Radio” since 2003. Apart from her journalistic activities she has founded the “Musikkindergarten Hamburg”. Before working for the radio she was trainee as print journalist. In this way Maria Willer’s train of medial thinking spreads from the reader to the listener as well as to a film audience. Important for her is that stories reach out to human beings – whichever media is used.

Bernhard von Hülsen

Hat vor Gründung der „3B-Produktion GmbH“ ein knappes Jahrzehnt für die „AVE Gesellschaft für Fernsehproduktion“ Magazine, Talks, Dokumentationen, Reportagen und zunehmend junge Formate produziert. Vor seiner Produzentenlaufbahn promovierte er als Kollegiat der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft zu deutsch-französischem Kulturtransfer und volontierte am Deutschen Historischen Museum. Er ist stark in der Musikszene verankert und hat hier über Jahre Akzente gesetzt.