Phantasm’s innovative new film directed by Ralf Pleger showcases Bach’s “Pièce d’orgue”, the second section of the organ “Fantasia in G”, which gives the film its title. Performed by the award-wining viol consort this is the final piece on the third instalment of its highly acclaimed Well-Tempered Consort series. This wondrous composition from Bach matches with a unique performance setting which, thanks to LEDcave Berlin, is truly “out of this world” and represents a fitting end to a remarkable journey!
Johann Sebastian Bach
Fantasia in G (Pièce d’orgue) BWV 572 (“Gravement”)
From the CD:
The Well-Tempered Consort-III (Linn Records)
Ensemble: Phantasm Viol Consort
Director: Ralf Pleger
Editor: Frank Tschöke
Produced by 3B-Produktion, filmed at LEDcave Berlin
©2022 Phantasm Viol Consort (Laurence Dreyfus)